Private Events


Corporate Team Building

Team Building is the most important investment you can make for your people - building trust, encouraging communication, and increasing collaboration. A great team building experience can result in more engaged employees, which is good for company culture and boosting the bottom line. And if everybody has lots of fun along the way and learns a new skill, even better.

Knolita Cooks in person or virtual cooking experiences offer just that possibility.

What’s included:

  • A choice of experience options

  • A choice of locations

  • Facilitated by an experienced event and coaching professional

  • A 3 hour hands on cookery experience - includes 30 mins dining time.

Private Parties

Nothing brings people together like an interactive virtual or in person cookery class, so what better way to bond than through cooking and eating with Knolita cooks? With a little help, your family and friends will have a great time learning new cookery skills, showcasing their creativity and socialising over their edible masterpieces.

What’s included:

  • Pre-party consultation to establish abilities and dietary requirements

  • Bespoke party menu

  • Ingredients list and step by step instructions

  • A 2-hour hands on cookery experience - includes 30 mins dining time.